Thursday, August 24, 2006

Guyver is back!

The Guyver is an old manga that was turned into an animated series back in the 80's.
It was suposed to last for 26 episodes but, I think the show got cancelled for some reason or other and they ended up only making 12.
A few years later the first live action movie was made, and was later followed by a sequel. These are both very bad movies... :P
I just found out that a brand new version of this series (which, by the way, I'm a big fan) as been released!
How cool is that?! :)
I am finally going to enjoy The Guyver in all of his modern day Anime style glory... I'm so happy!
And, as for the pictures above... It's going to be the new addition to my dusty collection of action figures... Yes, a Guyver action figure. I've been looking for this baby for quite some time now and in September is going to be on sale at Sweet!


Wait... I was suppose to post something... Can't remember... HAA!! yes, animation, must post animation on my blog :)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I live...

No, I'm not dead. I'm very much alive.
What's new?
Check out Keith's new animation training program.. this is good stuff, especially if you can't afford Animation Mentor.
Also his online store is... eerrh online, now you can buy his VTS lessons without having to subscribe, however, it is much better if you do subscribe, it is not only cheaper but, you also get extra goodies and free stuff.

Seen Superman....hhumm.. didn't like it... another bad movie with kick ass FX. When is this going to stop?
Good stories people, good stories... That is how you make a good movie, NOT just groovy FX-although it's good to have them.

I'll be back with some animation.... Seriously, I DO animate stuff...
